Electec E&C : Environment Monitoring Compliance Partners, Aurangabad 

Looking out for the IBMS, Industrial Automation Solutions, Environment Monitoring Compliance Partners ,then you have reached to right place, where along with the IBMS & Industrial Automation's you will get many more…


About Us

1. Environment Monitoring Compliance Partners, Aurangabad as per CPCB/MPCB Guidelines (Prevention of Air & Water Pollution Act.1974
2. Alliance Partner for GMP Solutions , Germany for IBMS & Automations
3. Year of Establishment :2015
4. With a vision to serve and contribute in the overall development of the city Aurangabad, and the entire Marathwada region.
5. Engineering Consultants for Environmental Monitoring Solutions,Process & Analytical Instrumentation.

Honour to work with the prestigious clients such as   

1. Saudi Aramco (K.S.A)
2. Arup (U.K),
3. Buro Happold Engineering (U.K),
4. E.C Harris (U.K)
5. Samsung SDS (South Korea)

Our Services



Process & Industrial Automations

Smart Metering Systems

Fire Alarms & Detection Systems

Electrical Works H.T/L.T

Annual Maintenance Contracts

Automations for 

1. STP's
2. WTP's
3. ETP's

With an overall experience of 10 yrs plus in India in the Middle-East market & European Market on the prestigious projects including the Haramain High Speed Railway, King Abdullah Sports City (built on FIFA stds), Jeddah, Zahran Business Centre and PIC Consulting GmbH,Germany

Project References

  • Installation & Commissioning of the entire Addressable Fire Alarm system Zx series Morley IAS by Honeywell for the RIC Building at Sterlite Technologies Ltd,Waluj MIDC , Aurangabad.
  • Installation and Commissioning of the Gas Detector systems by Honeywell, RIC Building at Sterlite Technologies Ltd,Waluj MIDC Aurangabad.
  • Installation & Maintenance of the entire 250 rooms Govt.Quarters of the Public Works Dept.Gov.of Maharashtra as a part of Electrical Works at WALMI (Water and Land management Institute at),Paithan Road, Aurangabad.
  • Entire BMS work at Reliance Mall and INOX Garkheda, Aurangabad including the AHUs Testing & Commissioning and execution.    
  • Registered Vendor for INOX LEISURE LTD. With vendor code:64004347
  • Entire Electrical works for UB –Ajanta ,MIDC Waluj
  • Supply, Installation ,Testing & Commissioning of Safety Pressure Relief Valve,BERMAD make at Bidkin Water supply scheme, Paithan Aurangabad    
  • Engineering Consultants for PIC Consulting Heidelberg ,Germany for their Project :ALVIT LCS PHARMA for the entire Designing & Detailed Engineering works for the systems including the foll:
  • HVAC (Heating Ventilation & Air Conditioning)
  • Building Management Systems
  • Designing of entire Automation required for the Project including the P&ID & selection of the complete Field Instrumentation systems
  • FAS (Fire Alarm Systems)
  • Entire Electrical Package
  • Supply and Installation of entire stack monitoring system as part of OCEMS- Online Continuous Emission Monitoring System At ABINBEV, Unit PALS MIDC Waluj, Aurangabad
  • Supply and Installation of Water Quality Analyzer- OCEMS- Effluents at NLMK India, AURIC City

Our Partners

Our Clients


Plot No.5/A, Landmark housing society N-12 Sector F CIDCO Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431001, India


Email: sales@electecenggs.com
Phone: +919850005780
Alternate: +919403325609

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