Our Solutions

H.T/L.T-Electrical Works  


The focus of commercial electrical work is to ensure that the wiring and electrical components of the structure are functioning efficiently and safely. ... Industrial electricians/engineers need to be ready to handle issues with anything from exceptionally high voltage systems, to minuscule and direct micro currents of electricity.

We at Electec, have hands on experience in executing H.T/L.T Electrical works from Small-scale to Large –scale projects .

We have an experienced team in Designing ,Installation & Executions for Industrial Electrical works

Process & Industrial Automations

Industrial automation is the use of control devices such as PC/PLCs/PACs etc. to control industrial processes and machinery by removing as much labor intervention as possible, and replacing dangerous assembly operations with automated ones. Industrial automation is closely linked to control engineering.

These includes the foll:

1} Flow Measuring Instruments

  A] Vortex Flow meters

  B] Electromagnetic Flow meters

  C] Ultrasonic Flowmeters etc

2} Level Measuring Instruments

   A] Level sensors

   B] Level Transmitters etc

We at Electec, are pleased to be a Channel partners for “RLT INSTRUMENTATION PVT.LTD for all the automation products to be used in Process Industry, STPs, WTPs, ETPs ,Pharmaceutical Industries

Our Strong impetus is to serve the Pharmaceutical Industries by providing the best of solution in Automations

Electromagnetic Flowmeter

ETP Line Filter/Strainers

Ultrasonic inline flow meter

Vortex flow meter

OCEMS Solution

OCEMS - Effluents

Water quality is something we take very seriously at "electec". We know your Water Analysis has to be right, which is why we decided to provide in you with the Complete Solution you need to feel Confident in your  Analysis.

By developing reliable and easy to use solution as well as providing you access to knowledgeable Expertise and Support "electec"    is helping ensure  Water Quality all across  the Region.
Analysis Parameters, COD | BOD | PH | TSS | Oil in Water | TDS/Conductivity   


OCEMS - Effluent

OCEMS - Emission

Stack Monitoring System - Continuous Emission Monitoring System is An Integrated System to Measure Fuel Flow Dust and  Concentration of Air Pollutant such as SO2 | NOX | CO | CO2 | THC and O2  in accordance with the applicable  regulations for the emission source. 
To ensure strict compliance as per CPCB/MPCB guidelines and reporting  with minimal impact on Operational Efficiency and probably Profitability. We povide a huge analytical Technology is designed around the unique requirement of The Industry To Monitor Stack Emission.
Measurable parameters includes Oxidise of Nitrogen (NO and NO2), Oxidise of Sulphur (SO2) |CO | CO2 | HCL | HF | H2S | NH3 | CL2 many other Toxes Gases.
The Models available with us use Electrochemical, Non Dispersive infrared Technology, Tunable Diode lesser Spectroscopy, thermal conductivity etc.


OCEMS - Emission


Plot No.5/A, Landmark housing society N-12 Sector F CIDCO Aurangabad, Maharashtra 431001, India

Contact Us

Email: electec.engineers011@gmail.com
Phone: +919850005780
Alternate: +919403325609

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